The right of access to information and reuse of information is exercised as per the Act on the Right of Access to Information (official gazette of the Republic of Croatia "Narodne novine" number 25/2013.). The objective of the Act is to ensure the exercise of the constitutionally guaranteed right of access to information and reuse of information to natural and legal persons via the transparent and open activities of the public authorities. The information officer of the Public Institution Barać Caves – Protected Areas Management In the Municipality of Rakovica is Marina Magdić, mag.oec. Right of access to information and reuse of information is exercised by submitting an application to the information officer of the Public Institution Barać Caves – Protected Areas Management In the Municipality of Rakovica:

  • in writing:

Nova Kršlja 47a, 47245 Rakovica, Hrvatska

  • by e-mail:

  • verbally:

tel: +385 (0)47 782-113

Public Institution Barać Caves – Protected Areas Management In the Municipality of Rakovica is entitled to compensation of actual material costs incurred by providing a user with right of access to information and reuse of information, as well as compensation of the costs of delivery of the requested information. The amount of compensation for access to information and reuse of information is determined according to the criteria under Article 19, paragraph 3 of the Act on the Right of Access to Information.

Zakon o pravu na pristup informacijama

Kriteriji za određivanje visine naknade stvarnih materijalnih troškova i troškova dostave informacije

Povjerenik za informiranje

zahtjev za pristup informacijama

request for access to information

zahtjev za ponovnu uporabu informacija

request for the reuse of information